"Our Father, which are in Heaven,
Please watch over those I love today,
As we think about Christmas, help us to remember why we have Christmas,
Help me to not get caught up in receiving but to be generous in giving. Thank you for my wife and her devotion and sweet personality.
Please put your loving arms around those who are far away from us this year,
Our baby girl in New Jersey and her husband and family, Thank you for them and please give them what they need this Christmas and some of what they want.
Our son's (who is with you now) family, please fill the lonely spot in their home with your love and watch over them. Help them to keep loving You.
Our granddaughter in California, help us to somehow be more of a part of her life this year and please guide her life and help her let you. Watch over her family there too.
Our parents, who are still with us, are getting up in years, I pray that you would comfort them and let them know they are loved. Help me to be a good son to them. And please ease their pain some.
Our son at home with us. Please let him know he is loved and guide him these days.
Our country and leaders need your guidance and protection. May we not support the enemy that would destroy us if not for your love.
Our men and women in uniform who are away from home. Please give them protection and a reason to smile this season.
For those I have not yet mentioned, our friends, our churches and pastors, our other family which is quite spread out now, please care for them and give them true joy in their hearts.
And thank you for your Son. For the price that was paid for us. For the beautiful Christmas story that is so true. I love you. In Jesus name I ask. Amen.